Thursday, October 07, 2010

LoftyInc's Exec Partner Joins World Bank Open Forum 2010

This year, the World Bank is organizing a two-and-half-day virtual Open Forum during the Bank-Fund Annual Meetings. The goal is to open the meetings up to the general public and to spark discussion and interaction on the development agenda. 

As part of the Jumpstarting Jobs online discussion the forum will be focusing on youth unemployment and the real need to invest in youth. In 2009, 81 million young people were unemployed, the most ever. The youth unemployment rate is about 5 times that of adults in many countries. What needs to change to engage young people in the world economy and avoid a "lost generation?"

Speaking specifically to the question of youth unemployment and using innovation and entrepreneurship to tackle such in Session 2 of Day 1  is LoftyInc's Executive Partner, Michael Oluwagbemi who joined the forum via a pre-recorded Skype conversation on October 7, 2010. The forum continues for a second day. Hosted by Femi Oke, formerly of CNN and now of Public Radio International, scheduled guests are:

Tamar Manuelyan Atinc 
Vice President, Human Development Network, World Bank

Janamitra Devan
Vice President, Financial and Private Sector Development, World Bank
Shantayanan Devarajan
Chief Economist, Africa region, World Bank
Rebeca Moreno Jimenez
Public Information Assistant, Latin America and Caribbean region, World Bank
Christian H.M. Ketels
Director of the Competitiveness Institute, Harvard University
Riska Mirzalina
Youth Entrepreneur, Indonesia
Mahmoud Mohieldin
Managing Director World Bank and former Minister of Investment, Egypt
Radha Muthiah
Vice President for Strategic Partnerships & Alliances, CARE USA
Michael Oluwagbemi
Youth Entrepreneur, World Bank Youthink! blogger
Stephen Pursey
Senior Policy Advisor, International Labour Organisation
Kyle Taylor
Youth Entrepreneur

1 comment:

Tamedu said...

Very inspiring as usual Michael. Yes Youth Can