Monday, March 15, 2010

Featured Start-Up: Sproxil Inc- Nigeria

An idea session with mentor, spurred me to research on mobile verification technology. Interesting that a Ghanaian is spurring such innovation in Nigeria; with beta testing ongoing. WSJ article here , discusses the challenges of start-ups, and especially obtaining Venture Capital funds in Nigeria and Africa at large.

Indeed, the comments from readers on WSJ I must comment shows a very shallow understanding of emerging markets (of course ignore the snarly ones). I think this product can be successful if the pricing/marketing model is tweaked. I am not sure if users will be willing to pay for scratch cards to verify a drug that can be fake or real? What if it is fake? Double cost? I think there might be room for collaboration here..

Contacts of the day:

Wullf Capital: 

Frontline US based VC Firm focused on Africa's frontier markets led by the affable Marsha Wullf. Am encouraged by their activities in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Healthcare & Energy are core competencies.

National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance

This organization provides grants, supports innovators and organize conference. Open 2010 in San Francisco is upcoming. Register today!

Want Money to fund your ideas??

Well, try these guys out..their angel list is now tops