National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance- San Francisco - March 25-27, 2010 here
..supporting technology innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education to create experiential learning opportunities for students and successful, socially beneficial businesses. This conference holding at San Francisco at the end of this week features entrepreneurs, researchers and grant making institutions.
NCIIA also has a Sproxil Inc link.. The organization is a good resources for grant seeking persons in the US with great ideas, and capital handicap
Africa Gathering Conference- Washington DC - 23 & 24th of April, 2010 (London & Nairobi Later in the Year) here
Africa Gathering provides a space to bring technophiles, thinkers, entrepreneurs, innovators and everybody else together to talk about positive change in sustainable development, technology, social networking, health, education, environment and good governance in Africa.
Couple of speakers in DC including Teddy Ruge, a recent introduction. Sounds like fun networking opportunity for future innovators on our continent.
Side notes:
Then again, another classic by Friedman in NY Times..
In today’s wired world, the most important economic competition is no longer between countries or companies. The most important economic competition is actually between you and your own imagination. Today, just about everything is becoming a commodity, except imagination, except the ability to spark new ideas.